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Mon-Fri 1am-6am

Giving Back


Have an event, class reunion, fundraiser, or other activity you want West Texans to know “what’s goin’ on”? Just send us the information to announce and/or post on our website at least two weeks prior to requested airdate. Please keep submissions to 40 words or less on a typewritten page or email.

Mail to:
Community Affairs
P.O. Box 9400
Midland, Texas 79708
Email to: West Texas Radio Group



Keep Midland Beautiful is a local non-profit organization dedicated to the improvement of Midland through litter prevention, waste reduction, beautification and environmental education. As such, we are heavily dependent upon private contributions from citizens like you.

Your donation of at least $35.00 will provide continued education in our schools, informative workshops for adults in the areas of composting, tree care and community involvement. We will be able to further our Adopt-A-Spot program keeping litter off our streets and rights-of-way. Your financial contribution will enable us to expand our partnerships, enabling us to reach an even larger population than every before.

Membership entitles you to a discount card honored by local nurseries, a bi-monthly newsletter full of valuable information, our Annual Report and an invitation to our annual appreciation event, and other recognition that varies with membership level (see below for details).

Keep Midland Beautiful has been recognized as the standard bearer for other Keep Texas Beautiful and Keep America Beautiful affiliates. We are continuously recognized for our outstanding programs and are honored to share our successes with other communities across the nations. Please contact our offices by phone at 432.687.7400 for a membership application. You may contact us via email by clicking here.



The mission at the Lone Star Sanctuary for Animals is of “Saving and Changing Lives” will be accomplished by our providing a compassionate, caring and professional sanctuary for the protection of homeless or abused animals, and placing those animals in permanent loving homes where they will be cared for and loved for the remainder of their lives. If you think you might be interested in volunteering, we invite you to read the General Information for Volunteers and Guidelines for Volunteers below. If you would like to volunteer your time to help at the shelter, please contact us by email or call the shelter at 683-7387 (PETS). Visit Us at: 4200 N. Fairgrounds Rd.
Midland, TX 79705 
Click for locator map, courtesy of Google Maps Open Daily, 1:00-5:00 p.m. Email us:



Relay For Life offers everyone in the community an opportunity to participate in the fight against cancer. Teams of people from all walks of life have fun while raising much-needed funds to fight cancer and raise awareness of cancer prevention and treatment. Relay For Life is a life-changing event that brings together more than 3.5 million people. Join Relay For Life to fight back against cancer at the 2012 Relay For Life of West Texas Region. Contact Whitney Wine: Event Coordinator Phone: 432.683.6375 or view Online Help



The American Heart Association is the largest voluntary health organization working to prevent, treat and defeat heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. These diseases, the Nation’s No.1 and No.3 killers, claim more than 865,000 American lives a year. Thanks to all our walkers, donors and volunteers who have accepted the challenge to help fight heart disease and stroke. We cannot achieve our mission without each one of you! For more information please contact a Heart Walk Staff Partner via phone at (432) 640-5090 or via email at
